Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Bill Cunningham

Grace is currently Interning at NYC Fashion Week. She spotted the wonderful Bill Cunningham, I believe she even chased him down to get a photograph. Grace is living the high life :)

Saturday, August 25, 2012

The lovely ladies

It has been a long time and we have been up to a lot of things.
This is a little shoot we did on July 4th in Santa Barbara this summer. 

We are back, we will be relaunching our website soon and will be bringing an exciting collection of vintage pieces. 

Bring on the new year :)

- Chamolie

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Jonathan Hobin: in the playroom

This is a very interesting series that I stumbled upon recently. It is a commentary on a variety of different global events that have taken place in the past few years. Shown through the innocence of children playing. It makes it much more eerie. The 9/11 picture is actually kind of terrifying. It also says something about how terrible events that happen are influencing children. Will the younger generations be far more violent then this one ever was. Maybe that's just morbid, but it is something to consider.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Kelis - Acapella

So as a song this isn't the greatest. The video however, is fantastic. Very interesting and fashionesque. A bit like Gaga, but hey everyone copies everyone else right?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tim Walker

Tim Walker is a fashion photographer from Britain. Once the assistant to Richard Avedon he now regularly shoots for British, Italian, and American Vogue. He has a very whimsical and romantic style to his work. It is often very extravagant and perfectly executed. I love his work.

Monday, May 16, 2011

New fantastic finds at AHV

Come and shop your heart out this week at AHV

Thursday, May 12, 2011

AHV play shoot

We decided to have a day where we pranced around in AHV clothing and just took pictures. We went down into the Beauty Shop, drank fantastic tea, and took photographs. Grace wore a fantastic 50s Retro 70s Vintage dress while I wore a 70s patriotic coloured  peasant dress, then just for fun an 80s sequinned dress. We didn't complete an actual photo shoot, however we may use some of these images for promotional posters for the Beauty Shop and for the new Art House Vintage website that is currently being created. 

It's rather whimsical, and I'm loving it!


Saturday, April 30, 2011

Atalanta Weller

I've said it before and I will say it again. I love Atalanta Weller's shoes. They are so much more than shoes.They are sculptural masterpieces. I've have been teary eyed and weepy over these shoes. They are a constant lust in the back of my mind. A fantastic store, Children of Vision, stocked them near my home in New Zealand. I was fortunate enough, or unfortunate enough depending upon how you view the situation, to be able to try them on. They are currently out of my price range. I will own a pair of these shoes one day though. Just you wait and see.

These bottom ones are awesome. Completely impractical, but what has that got to do with anything really? 