Saturday, April 30, 2011

Atalanta Weller

I've said it before and I will say it again. I love Atalanta Weller's shoes. They are so much more than shoes.They are sculptural masterpieces. I've have been teary eyed and weepy over these shoes. They are a constant lust in the back of my mind. A fantastic store, Children of Vision, stocked them near my home in New Zealand. I was fortunate enough, or unfortunate enough depending upon how you view the situation, to be able to try them on. They are currently out of my price range. I will own a pair of these shoes one day though. Just you wait and see.

These bottom ones are awesome. Completely impractical, but what has that got to do with anything really? 

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Art House Vintage promo video

A little something to tell you about us.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Friday, April 22, 2011

How Times Have Changed

Being sexy and the idea of what sexy was, used to be so much more, well sexy. If you look at the old pin-up posters they are amazing. I wish it were still like that, with non of this tacky/slutty look that you see all over the place these days. If you look back at the models for these posters, they were real women, with real attainable bodies and they were real role models. I want to buy some of these great posters for my room. They are just so awesome!

I love the clothing, it helps having a vintage store to raid every now and then. You never know in the next few weeks we may have some 50s pieces for sale on AHV. Keep an eye open for them.


Monday, April 18, 2011

AHV owners at EcoJam 2011

Grace Hartnett and Chamolie Thomson.

EcoJam was so much fun this year. We decided to enter a line into the show at the very last minute so there was a lot of work and stressing that happened before the show. It was amazing and we have had great feedback from everyone so far. We did a line of day time dresses and skirts and then a night time line to follow.
We bought the company in October 2010 and have steadily been working on turning the business into our own. In the next couple of months we aim to move off Ebay and sell directly from our website which is being constructed now.
